At the moment I am in the process of creating the graphics for my mini game project "One fine day at work".
The scenario of this game is that the player has got fed up with all the annoying co-workers the player has to put up with everyday. The player's job is to hit as many co-workers as possible and gain points in the process. If the player hits the Big Boss, the player will lose the game. The following are some of the sketches that I am in process in finalizing, which I then digitized and inserted into the game engine.
The aim of the game is to relief stress to the players and make it enjoyable for players that just want to simply 'slap' some annoying co-workers they are having at work. The game is inspired from family and friends who I here them constantly complaining on their annoying co-workers.

This game is another example of how imagine my mini-game project to look like.

Slap The Nerd is another game similar to whack a mole concept with a twist. The player, who will represent the cool kids, will be playing in a classroom setting were the student's heads will be shown in rows. The nerds will raise their heads and hands from random positions and the player will have to 'slap' as many nerds as possible. Each time the user clicks a nerd, points will be added. Some nerds require more slaps than others. Books worms will appear in some levels to bloke your 'slaps' with their books. There are also cool kids spawning at random. If the user clicks the cool kids, points are deducted from the total score. When the timer exceeds its limit, the score board will be shown like a school report card with the grade. Grades will depend on how well the user did in the level. The player will lose you get a bad grade. The images below are screenshots of the game play.

Pest Attack is a whack the mole themed game that is fun and addictive to play.

The objective of this game is to kill as many pests as you can and pass all the 10 levels to win. The player has three lives so has to be careful to not to lose all the lives, otherwise the player loses the game. The  player can move the character left and right with the left and right arrow keys and to jump, the player have to use the up arrow key. The space bar is used to hit the pests.

Aesthetically, the graphics looks basic and simplistic and reminds me of Japanese style games.