I have finally received the full game so that now I can implement the music and sound effects to the game. The game took so long to be combined together is because to of lack of communication and co-operation. Renders for animation texture had to be done multiple times, resulting in putting the project behind schedule.
I am having difficulties in implementing the sounds to the materials as its showing me that the materials don't except audio sources, so I have to find another way to implement the audio clip. Otherwise, background music and play on awake sound  on prefab game objects were easy to implement. I have also met with 2 small bug issues in the game, which hopefully can be resolved quickly. One of the bug is going to the game over scene  even after completing the eels game.

As the title says, I have finally completed the mini games and handed over to Jacqueline. In the meantime, I have started assisting her on how to effectively implement the puffer fish sprite animation correctly. I have found her this website called wearekiss.com/spritepad. This helps users create their sprites online. But due to very larger resolutions of the images, this was not possible. So we had to continue researching for a solution.
I am half way through the coding of all the mini-games and already have encountered some obstacles.

Sea Turtle Mini-Game
The above screen shot is show the programming of the sea turtle mini-game. The aim of the game is to avoid the trash that is coming in the sea turtle's way. The sea turtle has to 'eat' the jellyfish that will be randomly spawning from the right side of the screen. In doing so, the player is awarded points. Everything is working fine except for the empty gameobject that is being used as a spawning point for the trash and jellyfish. This spawning point is moving along with the spawned trash and jellyfish while I want this spawning point to stay static in a designated position. I know where the problem is coming from, but I have not yet found the solution to this obstacle. I will update in another post when this is resolved.

Eel Mini-Game
This mini-game will give the player only a few seconds to cover the cave with moss before the eels comes out of the cave. The player simply has to tap and drag the moss onto the cave and the cave will then be filled with the moss. In doing so, the player is rewarded some points and moves on to the next mini-game. 

This game is the most fastest that I have completed since this game did not have much functionality, therefore it did not give me a lot of difficulties to code it. The smaller image is the result of when the moss is dragged onto the cave.

Sea Horse mini-game

This mini-game is very similar to car racing games. Basically, the player would be playing against another four sea horses and they have to race each other. In order for the player to win, the player must place first. If not, the player loses a life.

This is by far the most complicated coding I have encounter for now since I don't have never coded artificial intelligence before. artificial intelligence, also known as AI, is a system which you are giving commands to the software to generate movements or actions against the player or in favor of the player. After asking around and researching on the internet, I have fortunately found the solution. I have also added the starting time of when the enemy sea horses can start moving and how much speed they are going to move.

When all the mini-games are completed, I will be forwarding them to Jacqueline to implement the animated textures and the transitions. She is also having some obstacles to pass through so this give me more time to work on my mini-games before she completes here coding and her game's animation.

After the festive holidays, we have met up for a meeting again to see at what stage the game arrived in. The designs were ready and the animators had begun the animations. Me and Jacqueline met again today in a separate meeting to discuss the separation of workload and this is what we have discussed:

Work Load

  • Programming of menu and settings, whale bubble game and puffer fish game. 
  • Adding animated textures and testing that everything is working properly .

  • Programming of sea turtle game, sea horses game and eels game.
  • Adding sound effects and music to the game.

We divided the work load this way is because I am more experienced in applying sound to the game that Jacqueline, while she knows how to add animated textures into Unity more than me. As one can point out, we have now reduced the mini-games down to five due to the time constraint that we have since by the end of this month, the game needs to be ready.

Last week I have tested the whale bubble game functionality. The user will have to 'tap' on the bubble to get points. This is a print screen of the development. This is only a test on one bubble, but this mini-game will have more bubbles that will be floating in the screen.
After approval of Blobb, we immediately started on the game development. Graphic designers quickly met and decided on their workflow, while me and Jacqueline met to discuss how rearrange the workflow and look at possible game logistics the mini-games should possess. Game logistics is basically how the mini-game is going to work. The following is the list that I had started and continued with Jacqueline.

The Mini Games

1.       Whale passes, creates bubbles - Bursting Bubbles - to clear screen and continue

Deletes game object upon left mouse click (In Process – requires assets)

2.       Treasure Chest – Take out the jewelry without getting snapped by clams

Deletes jewelry and get points depending on the type of jewelry. Clams can pop up from where the jewelry spawn. (

3.       Pearl Clam –Tap 1 of the 5 buttons which lights up composing whale noise and opening clam

4.       Passing through a cave – Close the eel hiding holes with grass so you pass safely

5.       Sea weed - open to make a path then widen jellyfish arms to pass

MODIFIED -  only jellyfish arms will be present but will change color (pink – good, purple – bad/poisonous)

                Click and adds points. Touch bad jellyfish arm and lose life.

6.       Fisherman's net – tear apart the net to get through it or else you will get trapped

7.       Puffer fish - tap it many times to make the fish puff up.

Touch and increases gauge or percentage until it increases to 100% and fish puffs up.

8.       Race with other seahorses, tap to run faster (4 seahorses)

When gauge increasing according to how fast the user is tapping, the seahorse runs faster.

9.       Dolphin – tilt to change direction and pass through the loops

Tilt Controls the character. Main Camera will move forward with the background

10.   Sea turtles - click on the jellyfish only to be eaten (there will be other objects ie: plastic bags

Touch and delete game object

This list was forwarded to the other team members and they all approved of the latest development.

Today as a group, we presented to our class our group project which we called it Blobb. Blobb is going to be a casual game where the user can dive in and explore the world that exists underwater. The game will consists of 10 random mini-games that the player can enjoy. Feedback from the presentation was well received but that if we manage to do 5 of the 10 mini-games that where proposed it is also good enough due to the time constraint that we have. The game has to be finished by the end of January 2014. We also added another slide presentation on game psychology that can give better understanding of how our game can effect players psychologically when it comes to stress. I have attached the group presentation with this post for you to enjoy.
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The following are sketches are concept sketches that I drew to help us develop characters and visualize how the game will look when it is played.
Roberta was not feeling comfortable working in the programming department as she was worried that she will not manage to learn JavaScript quick enough to execute the game. So she has asked me to change roles with her, which I have agreed. So now our roles from today are:

Me: Programming, Tester and Concept Art.
Roberta: Game Designer, Animator and Sound Designer.

I am not that great in programming, but since Roberta has no experience in JavaScript while I only have a year experience working with this programme, I thought it was for the best if I helped Jacqueline programme the game.
This week, we had decided to take advise from our tutor to discuss the game outside of school environment. The aim of this was to motivate creative in a more socially friendly and fun environment. Everyone agree that today we should meet at a cocktail bar in the late afternoon to discuss on the style we should use for our game design. It didn't take long to decide on this, so I felt that as a group, being in these types of environment really motivates us to be more creative. The style of the game and also the GUI design that we are going to inspire ourselves with is from the Disney mobile application game called Where's My Water 2. Apart from the game style, we also discussed on what type of transitions that we are going to put into the game. The photo to the upper left corner of this post is a photo of the team discussing the game along with other friends that where happy to discuss the game with us as well. Unfortunately Roberta couldn't make it today.