The following are sketches are concept sketches that I drew to help us develop characters and visualize how the game will look when it is played.
Roberta was not feeling comfortable working in the programming department as she was worried that she will not manage to learn JavaScript quick enough to execute the game. So she has asked me to change roles with her, which I have agreed. So now our roles from today are:

Me: Programming, Tester and Concept Art.
Roberta: Game Designer, Animator and Sound Designer.

I am not that great in programming, but since Roberta has no experience in JavaScript while I only have a year experience working with this programme, I thought it was for the best if I helped Jacqueline programme the game.
This week, we had decided to take advise from our tutor to discuss the game outside of school environment. The aim of this was to motivate creative in a more socially friendly and fun environment. Everyone agree that today we should meet at a cocktail bar in the late afternoon to discuss on the style we should use for our game design. It didn't take long to decide on this, so I felt that as a group, being in these types of environment really motivates us to be more creative. The style of the game and also the GUI design that we are going to inspire ourselves with is from the Disney mobile application game called Where's My Water 2. Apart from the game style, we also discussed on what type of transitions that we are going to put into the game. The photo to the upper left corner of this post is a photo of the team discussing the game along with other friends that where happy to discuss the game with us as well. Unfortunately Roberta couldn't make it today.

Everyone in the group brainstormed about games that we think that are fun and that of course, reliefs stress from students. Together as a group, we have come up with 20 mini-games.The following document is the mini- games that we brainstormed on. The last subtitle in the document are the final 10 mini-games that everyone agreed to add to the game.
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After more brainstorming sessions and after playing the game Dumb Ways to Die, we have decided as a group that the functionality of the game will be inspired from several simple mini-games that will only take less than a minute to complete. As part of the brainstorming session, we individually research on the theme, sound, character designs and colour scheme. The following are what I have found for the interactive mood board.
Stress is a common reaction that we feel. Usually happens when an individual is going through something uneventful and doesn't know how it is going to be. Which in our case, students will have this constantly. Stress in students can cause anxiety and episodes of depression. According to the Students Against depression Organisation, stress in students is mostly common in the beginning and final days of the scholastic year.

Stress Facts

* Excessive stress  can have a negative impact on one's health.
* A lot of people relieve stress in different ways, it always depends on the individual's needs.
* Some stress does not leave people in a bad mood. Being excited about a very important meeting and being nervous because something good is going to happen is good stress.
* Leaving problems unattended can make the problems grow bigger and more difficult to solve. If the person does not take care to solve these problems can leave the person stressed out.

Stress for young people is very often about feeling out of control. The following are some examples of how students get stressed:

* Leaving homework, assignments and studying for exams in the last days.
* Working on something that the student is not experienced in or haven't research enough on the work the student is working on.
* Events such as class presentations and exams.

The following are possible stress solutions that can leave stress at bay:

* Plan a time table to organize your work flow.
* Most post secondaries, colleges and universities provide different courses and classes that the students can choose from. Make sure what you are choosing is something that interests you.
* Study and work on assignments early so that you are only left with less work in the end.
* Prepare for class presentations and exams by practicing and revising before the event.

We have finally decided how we are going to split our work. With 2 other team members joining us, Lindsay and Claire Marie, we have split the job roles depending on what people are good at and what people wanted to work in. And so this is the list:

Group duties

·         Concept Developer – Lindsey

o   Concept art - ALL

·         Designer/Photoshop – Jacq, Christine, Lindsey

·         User Interface Designer – Claire Marie

·         Programmer/Developer – Rob, Jacq

·         Tester – Rob, Jacq

·         Animation – Clayton, Rob, Claire Marie

·         3D department – Roberta

·         Sound finding + editing + effects – Christine

So my responsibilities are to draw concept art, designing game design and sound designing which I am happy with. 
Today I have showed my class the new mini game project that I have worked on during the past month, One Fine Day at Work. The game was a success and many people gave me good feedback. I also had received comments regarding the use of graphics and I am now intending to fix the issue and make it available here shortly. In the meantime you can enjoy the presentation that I have showed during the class presentation.
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